Clinical Effectiveness South East London

Quay Health Solutions, South East London Integrated Care Board (ICB) and Improving Health Federation (IHL) have formed a partnership named Clinical Effectiveness South East London (CESEL) which is focused on improving quality across General Practice.

The CESEL team is made up of South East London GPs, Federation neighbourhood facilitators and analysts working to deliver a package of clinical guides, aligned to local incentives and supported by education events, EMIS templates, and practice visits.

QHS is a key partner in delivering quality improvement across Southwark. Clinical Effectiveness South East London (CESEL) is a programme that embeds a systematic evidence-based approach to quality improvement across our practices, it will help to improve health outcomes for local residents across North Southwark and support a successful Integrated Care System (ICS). Building on successful models already established over the previous 3 years, the programme will bring Population Health management and learning together, to form the basis for personal, organisational and system development, and continuous improvement in outcomes.

The collaborative endeavour to provide population health capability, ensuring front line staff have the tools and resources to provide best-practice care.

The CESEL team have developed clinical guides for the following conditions:

  • Atrial Fibrillation
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Heart Failure
  • Asthma
  • COPD
  • Breathlessness

The most up-to-date guides may be downloaded from the CESEL website.

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