Our Contracts

Quay Health Solutions (QHS) is a Federation supporting 14 GP practices (member practices) in north Southwark. QHS delivers contracts commissioned by NHS Southwark Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). QHS contracts include the delivery of Population Health Management Service, The New Mill Street Surgery, and the QHS GP Care Home Service.

QHS is also the convenor for the North Southwark Primary Care Network (PCN) contract.

Population Health Management Service (PHMS)

The PHMS contract began in April 2015. All member practices support the delivery of the PHMS contract. The services we offer as part of this contract include:

  • Coordinated care for people with three or more long term conditions
  • NHS Health Checks
  • Annually reviewing people who have pre-diabetes
  • Providing asthma and COPD inhaler reviews
  • Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring

Personal Medical Service (PMS)

The PMS is a locally agreed contract between the ICB and individual GP practices. The PMS contract includes: providing flu vaccinations, supporting people who; have suffered from a stroke, have hypertension, have chronic heart disease or have diabetes. It also includes supporting people with long-term conditions via coordinated care.

In north Southwark, QHS support our member practices with the delivery of the PMS primary care services for our population.

Members area